Product Tab - Why a Diary?
Why choose a Mental Fitness Diary?
How can a diary help with mental health awareness and applying Mental Fitness habits into your busy life?
The way we structure our time and prioritize our wellbeing activities impacts the habits we are able to establish and how we routinely respond to stressful or uncertain situations. Essentially, the more we can invest into self-care, the more energy and focus we will have to handle life’s ups and downs.
If you’re like most people, your self-care or Mental Fitness activities don’t appear in our calendar. That means we don’t prioritize them. As a result we fill our time with other, potentially less meaningful activities. Time is never empty, however we often don’t feel like doing what is good for us on the spur of the moment.
By planning activities that are good for our mental health in advance, we give ourselves structure, direction and purpose with how we plan our week. Rather than relying on ‘how we feel’ or fitting Mental Fitness workouts or stress recovery around our other priorities or appointments, using a diary helps us create a regular pattern of activities that suit us, and which over time can become automatic.
Use your electronic calendar by all means for work appointments, while using your Mental Fitness Diary for the things that impact your mental and physical health. Plan ahead when you’ll sleep, what you’ve eat, when and how often you’ll move, when you’ll catch up with friends, and when you’ll sit down to reflect, write, meditate, plan, or reframe challenges.
The 2022 Mental Fitness Diary is a daily companion reminding you of your intention to invest in your mental health. Jam packed with encouragement, consolation, and practical tools, it’s more than a diary – it’s an inspiring, stylish and practical way to start your day.